
suny wcc e-portfolio archives

The digital media education at SUNY WCC began in 1995. Here are the alumni and current students who continue to build a future utilizing creative emerging technologies. They stay in touch with their WCC mentors. We are so proud!


Digital Marketing
Social Media | Branding
Kathleen Corgan
Julie Bacon
Dilan Rodriguez

Ozzie Perez

Web Design / Development
UX/UI | Digital Design
Philippe Sakaian

Computer Animation + Game Design
Concept Art | 2D/3D Animation
Keith Stack

Graduates building their future. Join WCC’s Digital Media alumni and ITECH current students*

If you are a business or a non-profit organization in the NYC metropolitan area interested in finding interns or have a back-burner project, then be sure to email the ITECH Curriculum Chair. Each Spring, for the NEW MEDIA PROJECTS course, an external partnership is invited to participate in a collaborative interdisciplinary 15 week course designed to give students an opportunity to apply their skills and experiences in a real-world studio environment. The soon to be ITECH graduates will design, develop, market, program and build a new media prototype that delivers a professional outcome. A perfect opportunity for your business to move forward a much needed project that may become a viable venture. ITECH’s innovative critical and design thinking students will be ready for the challenge.

Schedule an in-person
or a Zoom meeting,

The ITECH Curriculum Chair advises students who are enrolled in the ITECH program and other students who may be interested in the program or the ITECH courses as electives. In your freshman year, it is recommended to consider career choices as you explore the ITECH program. How you manage your time to a reasonable schedule that meets your personal, job responsibility and/or academic goals is not an easy task.

“I hope that you will find this web page and email me to discuss your goals at WCC, your transfer options, coordinate possible internships or just about the ITECH program. I look forward to your email.”

~Curriculum Chair,
Prof. Deb Krikun

There are many opportunities and resources as you can see below for students at the college. The ITECH student club NEW MEDIA GROUP meet every week to play or compete in video games. We also coordinate digital media studio tours or other events that will support future ITECH learning opportunities such as creating and playing with virtual reality gear.

If a topic below does appear email Curriculum Chair to discuss your inquiry.

Begin to connect with
the ITECH community

Contact the Curriculum Chair

Prof. Deb Krikun
Current Office Hours
Student Club: New Media Group