Welcome to the official Interactive Technologies A.A.S. program at SUNY Westchester Community College

Welcome to learning one of the many skills as listed in this NYTimes classified ad from Spring 2024. The skills and experience needed in understanding human centered interaction are the courses that ITECH offers WCC students.
How humans interact with a computer. ITECH program offers digital design, design thinking, IoT, digital imaging, digital storytelling, web design such as UX/UI, digital marketing, 2D/3D computer animation, visual effects, psychology and interactive programming for web development in C# and Python for apps or game design. Mixed realities not mentioned in the classified but ITECH 3D Visualization covers building 3D models in virtual realities.
All assignments are archived onto the students e-portfolio to demonstrate their skills and experience for academic transfer and finding internships for summer or during a regular semester.
Email the ITECH’s Curriculum Chair for more information about academic transfer, course offerings, or career options.
ITECH students play with and learn emerging technologies.

Join Us every Monday evening 7-8pm DIG.IT.ALL on TWITCH. A weekly webcast with Prof. Deb Krikun who interviews pros and alumni such as Digital Designer Ozzie Perez, Director of Animation Keith Stack and Game Design Marketeer Zach Lubell.
On Twitch, the professor explores new emerging technology trends, creative digital media tools, career opportunities and discusses the essential digital media experiences one needs to pursue a rewarding and creative career.
For Ozzie, after taking digital design classes and his completion of an associate degree at WCC, Ozzie was able to begin his career as a successful “athletic apparel designer”. His first employment soon after WCC’s graduation was NIKE. After four years with Nike, Ozzie is now with NORTHFACE in Colorado. Ozzie’s portfolio website.
Student Examples

Please visit SUNY
WCC Campus
All courses are offered at the Valhalla Campus
and Peekskill’s Digital Arts Extension Center.
Both locations are within an hour from New York City.